Criminal record check
This check establishes if an individual has a criminal record.
What does it check?
This check establishes if an individual has a criminal record.
This check provides what is referred to as a Criminal Conviction History Report. In addition to criminal records, this check establishes whether an individual has had any traffic offences entered in court, including disqualifications. This will not show if a driver is currently suspended from driving by police as a suspension does not require a court conviction.
This certificate does not include any of the following:
• infringements, such as parking tickets
• charges that haven’t gone to court yet
• any charges where you weren’t convicted
• times you’ve gone to court and were found not guilty
• military (Court Martial) convictions
• overseas convictions
• Police diversions
• charges in the Youth Court
• demerit points and driver licence suspensions. You can get a report on these from the New Zealand Transport Agency.
Individuals that are eligible for a clean slate, their criminal record will be concealed under the Clean Slate scheme.
The Clean Slate scheme applies when all of the following are true and the individual:
• had no convictions within the last 7 years
• never been sentenced to a custodial sentence (such as prison, corrective training or borstal)
• never been convicted of a sexual offence (‘specified offence’)
• fully paid any fine, compensation, reparation or costs ordered by the court in a criminal case
• never been banned from driving until further notice (indefinite disqualification)
• never been held in hospital by the court in a criminal case instead of being sentenced, due to your mental condition.
All convictions will show on the record again if the individual:
• get another conviction
• don’t fully pay any court-ordered fine, compensation or costs
• get permanently banned from driving.
Est. turnaround time
3-5 working days
Application form, Proof of identity
Data Sources
Ministry of Justice