Russia Signs International Data Protection Convention
"Russia has reinforced its commitment to the protection of personal data by ratifying the ""Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data"" (Convention 108). Thorbj?rn Jagland, Council of Europe Secretary General, received Russia's accession from Alexander Alekseev, the Permanent Representative and Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Council. Among its principles, the Convention 180 establishes that individuals have the right to have access, rectify or erase their data when the information is not required for a specific purpose. In addition, each party must establish an independent authority to ensure compliance with data protection principles. Convention 180 is the only legally binding international instrument in its field, is open to any country and has the potential to become a global standard. The treaty will enter into force on September 1. Russia will become the 46th state to join Convention 108. "